Thursday, April 29, 2010

Yes Yes

yes im playing soccer next year for coshocton . i cant wait i have played with alot of you in junior high wow that was fun :) cant wait to play again with u guys

This is just my life

it seems like everything i do or say someone either gets up set or mad. im sry i cant make evryone happy. at least i try .im the kind of person who wants to make evryone smile and laugh when they are down apparently that isnt enough for some people. but hey with god anything is possible if u just believe an thats what i go by every day i wake up!!!!
How about u????

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Why does it has to be so busy????

well this week i been so busy with work an homework i barley have time to go spend time with my freinds an family . not only that socca is coming up an so is prom i have so much to do between now an then. today is going to be a busy day for me cause i go straight to work from school then right after work i go to soccer practice. what a busy busy day :(