Thursday, April 29, 2010

Yes Yes

yes im playing soccer next year for coshocton . i cant wait i have played with alot of you in junior high wow that was fun :) cant wait to play again with u guys

This is just my life

it seems like everything i do or say someone either gets up set or mad. im sry i cant make evryone happy. at least i try .im the kind of person who wants to make evryone smile and laugh when they are down apparently that isnt enough for some people. but hey with god anything is possible if u just believe an thats what i go by every day i wake up!!!!
How about u????

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Why does it has to be so busy????

well this week i been so busy with work an homework i barley have time to go spend time with my freinds an family . not only that socca is coming up an so is prom i have so much to do between now an then. today is going to be a busy day for me cause i go straight to work from school then right after work i go to soccer practice. what a busy busy day :(

Monday, March 22, 2010

this was the worse month of my life....well at least i think it was

well it all started when i went to the hospital an found out that my sist exploded an i had a uranary track infection .....those hurt an i had to take pain pills an antiboitics..well i didnt go to school for a week and i still havent caught back up with my school work. Not only that nathan went into the hospital a week after i recovered and had his appendixs taking out and he didnt recover so good it took him about 2 weeks to get better and after that it been good . i guess we will have to see how it goes from here i guess

Friday, February 19, 2010

well this has been a very long week for me....
work, school and taking trips to canton......
not much sleep....
but i think i can pull it through

Friday, February 12, 2010

My Story of My Life

Well my life wasn't really that good. When i was in the 6th grade i was taken from my home. i didnt get to say goodbye to my mother. I really dont think it mattered to her anyway because she was never home. She was always out drinking or havin sex with some random guy she meet in a bar.....but other than that i was the only one takin care of my younger siblings who were all under the age of brother or my sister was never home to help me they was always hanging out with freinds. i gave them food i bathed them an i was the one tuckin them in at night basically i was more of a mother to them than a big sister. i dont know what i would of done if i didnt end up in foster care and living the way i do now....just to let u know im not in foster care anymore. Its not that i didnt like it there but i had a choice to stay or leave when i turned 18 and i choose to leave and im doin fine....